About our beginning

Thank you for visiting our website to learn more about Classictruckconsoles.com from our headquarters in Tavernier, Florida, our company focuses on delivering innovative fiberglass products for the automotive aftermarket. Our background is in fiberglass design and construction. If you have an idea for an application of our consoles, please let us know as we enjoy delivering useful products for our customers. Classic Truck Consoles was formed to market the original design of a center console for 1967-1972 Chevy trucks. Since than we have discovered consoles also fit many vehicle. After requests for car consoles we decided to see which vehicles the consoles would fit and it seems just about any car or truck. The quality of fiberglass workmanship is what you would expect of a boat builder. We created consoles for a needed market and are proud that car and truck enthusiast have been pleased with our products.